Basic Functions of the VT App

The application has three main tabs:

  1. Pin Sales
  2. TopUp Sales
  3. Reports

Furthermore it has a keyboard on the bottom left. This keyboard can be use with a touchscreen and helps you to complete the transactions without a keyboard.

On the bottom right you have the section where you have to enter the data regarding each transaction.



In order  to login into to the application you have to click the login button. After you have click the button the screen will look like this:

When the pin is correctly entered you will see that the Tabs for the Pins and Topup are now filled with buttons, which represent the different available products.

Login into Settings

In order to change settings you have to go to the menu and select settings. After that a login window will appear. Here you have to enter your username and password. This will enable the setting menu item and allow you to make changes to the settings. More about the settings