How to sell TopUp with the VT app

Please click on the Tab "TopUp Sale". This will show you all the TopUp products available to you. You can select a product by clicking on the product button. After you have click the button, the bottom right hand corner you will have the options to enter the phone number, amount and pin in order to complete the transaction

After you have enter the Phone number, amount and your clerk pin you click OK to continue

If you have selected Verify Phone Number or TopUp Confirmation you will see this screen again. With verify phone number you will be asked to enter the phone number again, to verify if you have entered the right number.

After the steps are complete you will see the details for the Transaction in the yellow right box on the bottom. You have the option to print the transaction, when you click the print button.

Void TopUp

If you need to void a Topup pleafter you enter the Transaction number and your clerk number you will get a confirmation of the transaction in the yellow box on the bottom right window.

after you enter the Transaction number and you clerk number you will get a confirmation of the transaction in the yellow right box on the bottom